phlog - All Comments// 2007.1 (Build: 20917.1142)re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 05 Oct 2008 21:09:33 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175963MATT ABRAMSON<p>Travis. &nbsp; &nbsp;What article are you screaming bout. &nbsp; Not this one right?</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 05 Oct 2008 18:02:35 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175907Travis<p>She is not worried about YOUR debt, no one is, as long as you are paying it off. The entire counrty is concerned about your debt if you are a piece of shit worthless fucker that should not have been borrowing money in the first place. Minimum income guidelines were established for a reason, or do I need to state the reasons? When dipshit bleeding heart liberals had to make good on their promises to low income earners in the late 90's, it was the beginning of the end. By the way, has anyone bothered to check the income requirements to be considered in the top 10% of the US? Look into it, then check the level of the top 5%. Are you worried about overtaxing the rich yet? Chances are, if you are a 2 income earning family, and make an reasonable salary, you are part of the rich. Sorry libs, just trying to educate with real facts. In the end, vote for who you want, but at least we are all voting. Good Luck! I can only hope future elections are this exciting!!!</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 04 Oct 2008 12:48:04 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175450meg<p>by far the most honest account of the debate that i read anywhere...hope you cover the next two</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Home for the Horror Days//, 04 Oct 2008 09:33:05 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175384John<p>Go Christocrats!!!</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">for FIDO//, 03 Oct 2008 21:17:31<p><a rel="nofollow" target="_new" href="//"></a>...</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 03 Oct 2008 20:56:53 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175155Dennis Trainor<p>Excellent blog Chris</p> <p>I'd like to join you at the next debate.</p> <p>No doubt that Biden appeared ready to lead. </p> <p>Palin appeared ready to lead a soccer mom car pool.</p> <p>But in the sound bite world of politics, Joe Biden was unable to do to Sarah Palin what Katie Couric had done repeatedly over the past week. Maybe Obama should have picked Couric as his VP. What is more obscene- that Couric, the former host of the entertainment program &quot;The Today show&quot; whose only mandate is to sell shit has one of the to top three news jobs in the country or that Obama was to proud to pick Clinton as his VP- a choice that would have sealed up this election a long time ago. We would have never heard of Sarah Palin. Instead we get the irony of the black man taking all of the color, the life, the joie di vive out of jumpin Joe Biden, effectively neutering him.</p> <p>I expand on that here: <a rel="nofollow" target="_new" href="//"></a></p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 03 Oct 2008 19:46:22 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175124Jurassic<p>&gt; too drunk to vote</p> <p>Wasn't that a Dwarves song? &nbsp;;)</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 03 Oct 2008 17:27:02 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175072Chris Faraone<p>Hey Salt - </p> <p>Sorry - next time I won't write what I'm actually thinking. Apparently you're not so interested in &quot;honest discussion&quot; when the participants are pitching from the other side. Good one about hoping that I'm too drunk to vote.</p> <p>-CF1</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 03 Oct 2008 16:33:14 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175055Salt<p>America is a representational democracy. Our government is run by &quot;We The People&quot;. Good will and honest discussion are vital to the future of our republic. </p> <p>Complete scorn and &quot;fuck that bitch&quot; reveal that you do not understand basic American Civics. </p> <p>It also shows that you are a hate-filled angry, pathetic bigot.</p> <p>I only hope that you are too drunk to vote Nov4.</p> <p>Grow up, try love and tolerance. It really works.</p> <p>Love to all.</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Drinking Liberally with Sarah Palin//, 03 Oct 2008 16:09:50 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:175042Michael Brodeur<p>I was this close to winning Palin Bingo. I spent the latter 45 minutes of the debate just waiting for her to say &quot;Gee.&quot;</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Palin bingo: Play Along With Us at Home!//, 03 Oct 2008 02:13:08 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:174756Sara Faith Alterman<p>I just need &quot;earmark&quot; and I&#39;ve got bingo...</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Palin bingo: Play Along With Us at Home!//, 03 Oct 2008 02:04:51 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:174752Ryan Stewart<p>Or &quot;repeating the same thing John McCain said in the debate last week.&quot;</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Palin bingo: Play Along With Us at Home!//, 03 Oct 2008 01:29:46 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:174737Ryan Stewart<p>There needs to be a square for &quot;not answering the question at all.&quot;</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Palin bingo: Play Along With Us at Home!//, 03 Oct 2008 01:09:21 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:174729Carly Carioli<p>Maverick! All I need is &quot;Alaska&quot;, &quot;Earmarks,&quot; and &quot;Job Creation.&quot; </p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">re: Palin bingo//, 03 Oct 2008 01:06:47 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:174727Carly Carioli<p>Reform! I got an I!</p> <img src="//" width="1" height="1">