About Town - All Comments//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/default.aspxA roundup of the on-the-street action in Portland, Maine, plus updates on all manner of interesting topics from the staff of the Portland Phoenix.enCommunityServer 2007.1 (Build: 20917.1142)re: Did Wild Oats close in vain?//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/30/did-wild-oats-close-in-vain.aspx#148157Tue, 26 Aug 2008 07:36:33 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:148157Acai Plus<p>Nice bog you have here. I pretty much lurk the internet when I'm bored and read all I can about the organic lifestyle, but I really liked you view on things. I'll bookmark the site and subscribe to the feed!</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=148157" width="1" height="1">Segun Scola &#8216;el partido con Ir&#225;n no ser&#225; un descanso&#8217; &middot;//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/08/12/mcnallica-slays-in-san-fran.aspx#145348Fri, 15 Aug 2008 22:49:51 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:145348Segun Scola ‘el partido con Irán no será un descanso’ ·<p>Pingback from &nbsp;Segun Scola &amp;#8216;el partido con Ir&amp;#225;n no ser&amp;#225; un descanso&amp;#8217; &amp;middot;</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=145348" width="1" height="1">re: Mamma Mia!//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/08/mamma-mia.aspx#145064Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:06:16 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:145064jiimiona<p>I'm sold :)) +1</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=145064" width="1" height="1">re: Why We Don’t Need Public Art//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/29/why-we-don-t-need-public-art.aspx#144703Tue, 12 Aug 2008 17:18:13 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:144703Sara Smith<p>You wrote: &quot;Percent for art has left bad piece after bad piece around the state, all chosen by committees, most of whom were unfamiliar with art at all. &quot;</p> <p>Please note: Percent for Art committees are made up of members of the community where the art will be installed AND artists. More than one artist is on each committee, and many of the community member representatives are artists. Also, please don't discount the kind of familiarity with art that can come from viewing as well as from formal study.</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=144703" width="1" height="1">re: Needing Public Art III//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/08/11/needing-public-art-iii.aspx#144646Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:09:43 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:144646Rondo<p>Holy crap, you are painful.</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=144646" width="1" height="1">re: Phoelympics Phever//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/08/06/phoelympics-phever.aspx#143494Thu, 07 Aug 2008 16:06:33 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:143494Medulla Oblongota aka M Cosgrove<p>In the name of Bayside East, I will open a keg of volleyball whoopass on Libbytown OR BackCove</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=143494" width="1" height="1">re: Recall Kevin Donoghue?//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/05/26/recall-kevin-donoghue.aspx#142583Tue, 05 Aug 2008 00:42:14 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:142583sumatiptan<p>&lt;a href=<a rel="nofollow" target="_new" href="//www.xanga.com/sumatriptan_imitrex&gt;sumatriptan">www.xanga.com/sumatriptan_imitrex&gt;sumatriptan</a> nasal spray&lt;/a&gt;</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=142583" width="1" height="1">re: Did Wild Oats close in vain?//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/30/did-wild-oats-close-in-vain.aspx#141987Sat, 02 Aug 2008 23:53:39 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:141987L Jones<p>Competition is good for business. This finding is so obvious. Allowing big mergers, like we have seen with the telephone ando ther companies, results in higher costs for consumers. Work has it that TRADER JOE'S may open in So. Portland. This would be a good thing; people should shop at both (or all grocery outlets) and pick the best prices available. Even now Shaw's and Hannaford's offers some local, and organically grown food. Shop around, by the best deal to stretch those food dollars. Be smart, be aware, and let your local stores, and local grocers, growers, farmers and product providers know you appreciate the good quality and good prices. And hey, try growing your own veggies, or buying local whenever you can. Bon Appetite!</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=141987" width="1" height="1">re: Did Wild Oats close in vain?//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/30/did-wild-oats-close-in-vain.aspx#141314Fri, 01 Aug 2008 19:25:08 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:141314margie bohlen bonnett<p>Every grocery store has organic food...Weggman's has massive selections... If the pricing is high, whole foods has to competite with them.. Wegmann's is not far, here in Baltimore, from Whole </p> <p>foods...Super Fresh is even closer, they have extensive organics as does Giant Foods, also here...What's the point??? Am I missing something??? I think someone is out to get Whole Foods and Why???</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=141314" width="1" height="1">re: Film Action in Kittery//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/28/film-action-in-kittery.aspx#141198Fri, 01 Aug 2008 13:21:01 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:141198Steve Hrehovcik<p>Hi, Deirdre...</p> <p> &nbsp; Thank you for writing about &quot;27 Down&quot; and Bruce McToose. You are very kind to respond so quickly. This has been an exciting year for me with the film and TV series getting started. </p> <p> &nbsp; If it's okay with you, I'd like to keep you posted with developments on both projects. </p> <p> &nbsp; Best regards to you and your writing.</p> <p> &nbsp; ...Steve</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=141198" width="1" height="1">re: Why We Don’t Need Public Art//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/29/why-we-don-t-need-public-art.aspx#140681Thu, 31 Jul 2008 03:35:38 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:140681Jon Courtney<p>That Fresh Samantha lighthouse is pretty rad:</p> <p><a rel="nofollow" target="_new" href="//flickr.com/photos/sillysally/84503838/">flickr.com/.../84503838</a></p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=140681" width="1" height="1">re: Why We Don’t Need Public Art//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/29/why-we-don-t-need-public-art.aspx#140597Wed, 30 Jul 2008 19:23:00 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:140597Annie Larmon<p>The first sentence of your article reads much like an argument for intelligent design. (Though most people believe this is good, I think it’s bad. And bad, is bad.) And in fact, most support for the arguments presented are reliant on your undefined “good” and ‘bad”. </p> <p>With such a declarative title, I think the frailty of your position needs to be brought to attention.</p> <p>You provide no reference to the benefits of public art in community building, beautifying space and even rendering public spaces safe. Art organizations, to my knowledge, revere public art for its accessibility (physically and often conceptually) to those who don’t frequent galleries and museums or haven’t read volumes on art theory. Public art doesn’t discriminate. It isn’t exclusive. In fact, that’s all that “public art” really is. I certainly can think of bucketfuls of art in public spaces that are more of an eyesore to me than something to admire, or are kitsch to the degree that I find them laughable or obnoxious. But to dismiss “public art” as a whole, unspecific genre, without even paying heed to it’s many forms, political possibilities, site specificity and potential for historical commentary, seems very uninformed, brash, and whiney. </p> <p>If you find public art to be “bad”, I would like to know why. You’ve made some pretty sweeping complaints that I would like to see teased out. </p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=140597" width="1" height="1">re: Why We Don’t Need Public Art//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/29/why-we-don-t-need-public-art.aspx#140596Wed, 30 Jul 2008 19:21:34 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:140596Paul<p>Ken</p> <p>Your argument can be applied to everything. Lets start with journalism and the news in Portland.</p> <p>“It’s an article of faith among news papers that news is unquestionably a good thing. The fact is, most news is far from a good thing; most of it is plain awful.</p> <p>Making news good enough to hold its own is a special skill, and most journalists, even very good journalist, can’t do it. Even if they could, most newspapers, and Portland’s is no exception, can’t make a decision for quality news, even if they were offered it. Horses, camels.”</p> <p>Now Ken, lets assume we use you argument to improve news. In your case we would all be better off with no news, is that correct? You are proposing that it’s better to have no news than to have something that is written about nothing.</p> <p>I think you should take your own advice and do nothing, since it seems impossible for you to report on something.</p> <p>And yes the art needs help too.</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=140596" width="1" height="1">re: Shockingly, a weekend protest is planned in Kennebunk//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/29/shockingly-a-weekend-protest-is-planned-in-kennebunk.aspx#140575Wed, 30 Jul 2008 17:55:38 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:140575Fake Name<p>Are these protests drawing new attendees every time? No</p> <p>What do they accomplish? Nothing</p> <p>Do observers start to tune them out after some time? Yes</p> <p>These protests are like the Civil War battle recreations that take place on town commons from time to time. They have no relevance and 99.9% of the general population ignores them.</p> <p>Jamilla El-Shafei has turned this into a little cottage industry for herself. Not sure what she'll do when Bush leaves office. Oh wait, there's always Nestle!</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=140575" width="1" height="1">re: Shockingly, a weekend protest is planned in Kennebunk//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/abouttown/archive/2008/07/29/shockingly-a-weekend-protest-is-planned-in-kennebunk.aspx#140526Wed, 30 Jul 2008 15:40:30 GMTad053fdd-4c7f-49f6-bf6d-6c53a7e614d5:140526dborelli<p>SHOCKINGLY?????? &nbsp; SHOCKINGLY??????? &nbsp; WHEN IT COMES TIME FOR IMPORTANT DECISIONS CONCERNING THE WELFARE OF THIS COUNTRY....THE GAYS, ZIONISTS,AND MARXISTS (WHICH FORM WITHIN DEM. PARTY) COME OUT IN DROVES TO MESS UP LEGISLATURES AGENDA'S .... &nbsp;</p> <p>THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN A WAY TO DIVIDE THE COUNTRY....HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CIVIL RIGHTS!! ALL PEOPLE ARE PROTECTED BY SAME LAWS..WHAT IS NEEDED IS ENFORCEMENT! &nbsp; NOT NEW LAWS... MAINE HAS NEVER BEEN A GAY MARXIST ZIONIST STATE...THEY ARE HERE FROM ELSEWHERE TO TURN THE STATES' VOTES...AFTER ALL... &nbsp;MAINE LEADS..OR ALWAYS HAS, I SHOULD SAY. &nbsp;TODAY IT IS ALMOST UNRECOGNIZABLE... &nbsp;</p> <p>NEWCOMERS TO MAINE NEED TO LEARN OUR' WAYS, NOT LEGILATURE CHANGED TO MEET THE AREA THEY JUST LEFT'''' &nbsp; DUH...</p> <img src="//thephoenix.com/BLOGS/aggbug.aspx?PostID=140526" width="1" height="1">