BMP Celeb Sighting: John Krasinsky!

When the ladies of the Phoenix art department came running up to us at Best Music Poll in full-hyperventilation mode, we hoped that their excitement meant that someone had just uncovered a secret stash of drink tickets, or maybe an electric blanket. When we managed to calm them down, they claimed to have spotted Jim Halpert wandering around the venue. The Office hottie? At our party? And he wasn't even on the guest list? Naaaahhhhh, we pshawed. An extensive search of the grounds, with multiple photogs in tow, turned up nothing. But after we'd abandoned the hunt, the art girls found their prey: Newton homie John Krasinsky, just hanging out and watching his pals Death Cab for Cutie, with whom he was scheduled to rendezvous after the gig. Above: snaps of their brief auditions for the role of Pam, should the need for a replacement ever arise.