We put a comic on the hot seat. This week’s victim . . .
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN | October 1, 2008
Oh man, the Lehman Brothers are in troooouble. Do you think they’re totally going to get grounded?
Yes, and it makes me glad I’m a comedian instead of a banker. We’re both struggling now, sucka, and at least I’m used to it. And for the record: if you’re in the know, you pronounce that name “LEE-man.” Only laymen say “LAY-man.”
I defy you to name a more perfect food than the turducken.
How about any food that doesn’t start with the letters “T-U-R-D”? I’ve never eaten a turducken, but I know that the chicken — which is stuffed inside the duck, which is stuffed inside the turkey — is often stuffed with an olive, which is often stuffed with a pimento. So maybe the dish should really be called a “turduckenolivento.” Here’s a suggested emoticon for the turduckenolivento: (((©))).
Hello? Is it me you’re looking for?
I didn’t get this reference, but after a Google search, I discovered that this is a Lionel Richie lyric. So, as it turned out, I was looking for him. My strongest LR association: one summer, during color war at sleep-away camp, the leaders of my team — the White Team — adapted “All Night Long” for our themesong. Me and 200 other little Jewish kids singing, “All night long! Go White!” I wish Lionel could have seen it.
What’s your favorite acronym?
Hats off to “snafu,” which allows you to sneak the word “fuck” into polite conversation.
VIDEO! MC Mr. Napkins raps in thephoenix.tv's inaugural Boston Comedy Podcast
MC Mr. Napkins | Mottley’s Comedy Club | October 10-11 | 617.427.0093 or www.mottleyscomedy.com
, Mottley's Comedy Club
, Lionel Richie
, Swearing and Invective