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Editors' Picks
Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica
Last year, Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica made waves by recreating the symphonic space-age pop of a master on The Unforgettable Sounds of Esquivel and then performing the whole thing live at the Cambridge Y as a 23-piece orchestra. Now the more portable quartet version of the Orchestrotica has returned with Third River Rangoon, a vibes-and-marimba based soundtrack of imaginary lands for the windmills of your mind, with originals by Mr. Ho (a/k/a world-music polymath Brian O’Neill). Covering tunes by exotica originators like Milt Raskin and Cal Tjader, as well as borrowing themes from Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich, Mr. Ho has created his own rigorous classical-jazz hybrid. Are you listening, Keith Lockhart? With guest Tev Stevig on oud, the Orchestrotica play the Lizard Lounge tonight.
Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica