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Editors' Picks
Down & Derby
You know what always really bugs us? When we’re out at a bar, throwing back some beers, and we get that familiar urge to do some roller-skating. Ever tried to strap on a pair of skates in da club? Let’s just say the bouncer usually doesn’t think it’s cute. Luckily, we don’t have to worry about skate-haters tonight, when the North Star hosts Down & Derby. That’s right, for one night and one night only, one of the traditionally fratty Garden bars is transforming itself into a retro roller rink. Weird? Well, yeah, sorta. Awesome? Well, yeah, sorta. We haven’t skated around at a coed social event since our first boy-girl birthday party at the local rink. And we’re thinking that the addition of booze to the mix should make it a hell of a lot more fun (and dangerous — everyone who wants to skate must sign a waiver.) DJs 7L & Knife and Saucy Lady spin the retro beats.