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Editors' Picks
AWOLNation + Bear Hands + Redlight King
Brooklyn-based psych rockers Bear Hands aren't headlining tonight's show, but they could be. The Wesleyan College alums-turned-bandmates (they also count MGMT’s Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden as former classmates and tourmates) took their time releasing their sophomore album — three years — but 2010’s Burning Bush Supper Club (Cantora), marked by frontman Dylan Rau’s raw, adenoidal vocals, winking lyricism, and rambling, jittery rhythms, proved worth the wait. They’re back with a new album, High Society (Cantora) at the ’Dise with (actual headliners) Awolnation and Redlight King.
Bear Hands is a post-punk/experimental/indie rock act hailing from Brooklyn, New York. Forming in 2006, the band consists of Dylan Rau, Ted Feldman, Val Loper...
Redlight King