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Editors' Picks
"From The Back Of The Room: 20 Years Of Women In Punk" Screening
This event occurs in the past,
July 14 2011
45 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge, MA
(view map)
If you think the national riot-grrrl explosion of the ’90s was the last time women had a voice in DIY punk conversation, think again. Tonight, the Democracy Center hosts a screening of From The Back Of The Room: 20 Years Of Women In Punk, a documentary by DC-based producer and DIY organizer Amy (kc/dc) Oden. The documentary features interviews with more than 30 women discussing their involvement with punk throughout the past two decades, including Slade of Tribe 8, Banned in DC author Cynthia Connolly, Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, Allison Wolfe of Bratmobile, and more.
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