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Providence endorsements

Whitehouse for US Senate; Fogarty for governor; Kennedy and Langevin for Congress; lynch for attorney general; “yes” for the casino
By PROVIDENCE PHOENIX STAFF  |  November 1, 2006

Whitehouse for US Senate

Although the Chafee name is synonymous with public service in Rhode Island — and for good reason — the reactionary and disastrous course of Republicans in Washington compels the need for change in the US Senate. The Providence Phoenix enthusiastically endorses SHELDON WHITEHOUSE.

Like his late father, Lincoln Chafee has offered a broadly attractive brand of moderate Republicanism that encompasses fiscal discipline, environmental protection, social tolerance, and wariness of foreign entanglements, among other worthy values. As a genuine and highly genial person who often speaks with refreshing candor, he is a rare political figure. The rightward movement of the national GOP under George W. Bush, however, has made all the more urgent the need to increase the number of Democratic senators, even at the cost of a Republican moderate.

Sheldon Whitehouse and Lincoln Chafee share a commitment to public service and a high degree of personal integrity. As most Rhode Islanders know, there is not a great deal of difference between the two men on the issues. In the current moment, Whitehouse’s Democratic affiliation is a clear and deciding reason to vote for him.

Whitehouse, who brings to bear a keen intelligence, also has the benefit of broad experience in government and an enthusiasm for grappling with many of the key issues facing Americans, including health-care. In a state that has produced a number of distinguished senators, Sheldon Whitehouse would be a proud representative for Rhode Island in the US Senate.

Fogarty for governor

Republicans have maintained a virtual stranglehold on the governor’s office for most of the last 20 years, in large part since voters harbor no small degree of mistrust about the Democratic-controlled General Assembly. Governor Donald L. Carcieri has skillfully tapped this concern while also, at times, serving as an effective counter-force against Rhode Island’s entrenched political culture.

The governor’s seriousness of purpose comes through clearly in extended conversation, and he not uncommonly makes a formidable foil for the legislature, in part because of his impressive and seemingly native knack for political communication. As Rhode Island continues to face difficult budgetary choices, however, we believe that Lieutenant Governor CHARLES FOGARTY is better equipped to blend budget realism with compassion for the state’s most vulnerable residents.

Our endorsement comes with a clear caveat: that Fogarty understands he works for the people of Rhode Island, not the General Assembly, and not the Democratic Party.

Governor Carcieri has a healthy skepticism about many political claims, and he has, perhaps, more wisdom and depth of life experience than Fogarty. As a leader, he has made solid efforts since winning election in 2002. But he too frequently seems more intent on winning points with talk-show listeners and in championing his position as a counter-weight to the Democrats than in leading the admittedly fractious state government.

It’s time for a change.

Fogarty’s lengthy tenure in government — described by his opponent as a liability — strikes us as an attribute (although his campaign season embrace of term limits has a whiff of pandering to it). Probably more than anyone else in the state, Fogarty understands the inner workings of government, and the difference that it can make for typical Rhode Islanders.

Fogarty could also be expected to enjoy a more collegial relationship with the legislature and other Democratic interests. While this is not without some inherent risk, Fogarty has the ability to pursue a middle ground that broadly serves Rhode Island’s interests.

The Phoenix endorses Charles Fogarty for governor.

Langevin in the second congressional district

The Phoenix endorses US Representative JAMES R. LANGEVIN.

Independent challenger Rod Driver of Richmond is a thoughtful candidate whose enthusiasm has stimulated useful discussion about the war in Iraq, stem cell research, and other issues.

We strongly take issue with the opposition of the incumbent to abortion-rights. For the most part, though, we believe Representative Langevin has done a good job in Congress, and that he deserves reelection.

Kennedy in the first congressional district
US Representative PATRICK J. KENNEDY, despite his personal difficulties — and with the notable exception of his vote in favor of the war in Iraq — has been a mostly diligent supporter of Rhode Island’s interests. 

Jonathan Scott, a first-time candidate representing the Republican Party, deserves plaudits for throwing his hat in the ring (independent Ken Capalbo, who seems largely motivated by his criticism of Israel, is also running). Yet the lack of a more formidable candidate, as well as no entry in the Second Congressional District, reflects the ongoing and underlying weakness of the Rhode Island Republican Party.

The Phoenix endorses Patrick J. Kennedy.

Roberts for lieutenant governor
State Senator ELIZABETH ROBERTS of Cranston has the intelligence, enthusiasm, and expertise to do a very strong job as lieutenant governor. The Phoenix offers her our enthusiastic endorsement.

Republican candidate Reginald Centracchio, best known as the longtime former commander of the Rhode Island National Guard, appears capable of doing a good job in the state’s second-ranking position. Roberts, however, is the better-qualified candidate.

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Providence endorsements
It is great the the Phoenix endorsed Sheldon and Charlie! Great Work.
By Pat-Crowley.Org on 11/02/2006 at 4:34:47

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