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Abigail Crocker

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Scooting the city

Move aside four-wheelers. On Wednesday nights, it's scooter time.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  October 14, 2009

Ready, set, howl!

Lunar Laps
From the people who brought you the Woolly Fair, the city's furriest art festival, a bit of hairy exercise this past weekend.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  October 07, 2009

Steel, blowtorches, and a little trash talk

Metal Works
At the Steel Yard, arts center and business incubator for the metal-minded, a molten hot contest this past weekend. It was the second annual Iron Chef Competition -- a game pitting artist against artist, blowtorches in hand, in a breakneck race to produce the snazziest sculpture.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  September 23, 2009

Providence filmmakers go cruisin'

The Islands
Any artistic triumph involves a little luck. Providence native Ben Chace was in Brooklyn's Prospect Park two years ago when he watched a raffle ticket turn into a pair of tickets for a Jamaican cruise.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  September 02, 2009

Dance Fever

Where to shake it like you mean it
Those with a hankering for slick riffs and dirty break beats look no further.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  September 03, 2009
everything list

Firehouse No. 13 shakes up summer slump

The Everything Parties
To wake the city from its summer slumber, Firehouse No. 13 has been programming, well, everything.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  September 03, 2009
boat list

On the water and off the grid

Anchors away
Olneyville neighbors Zach Weindel and Daniel Gladstone are determined to live off the grid — way off the grid.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  August 19, 2009

Candy for your sins

Confessions Dept.
Confessionals aren't just for holy rollers anymore. They are for everyman, according to Melissa Joy, creator of the Truth Booth — a wandering tent designed to collect secrets.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  August 12, 2009
wat list

The Wat Misaka story

Making a rebound
He only played three games and scored seven points in the 1947-48 season, but Wataru Misaka's story is netted, slammed, and sealed in NBA history. The 5'7" Japanese-American was the New York Knicks' first-round draft pick and the first non-white basketball player in the NBA.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  August 05, 2009

He all lives in a yellow submarine

Will Sean Bagge's one-man submarine last or will it swallow him whole?
In just over a week, the Brown University senior will batten down the hatch and take the submersible on its first major voyage: dropping into the murky depths of Massachusetts' Long Pond.
By ABIGAIL CROCKER  |  July 15, 2009

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