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Bernard Madoff

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Do it to debt

Spending money to make money?
A friend of mine walked into the local bar during a recent happy hour and announced, "I'm furious at IGA."
By AL DIAMON  |  April 01, 2009

Will Brandeis lose its swagger?

Pass the Hat . . . Again
Ethnomusicologically invigorated Brandeis students and alumni are hoping for an outburst of criticism for the probable downsizing of Wayne Marshall.
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  April 02, 2009

Post-steroid baseball

Nine questions that will shape the new season
The bunting is hung. The chalk lines are laid out with Euclidian precision.
By MIKE MILIARD  |  April 02, 2009

36. Raffaello Follieri

Anne Hathaway’s greaseball ex-boyfriend, who has a face like a Picasso painting, may end up bunking next to Bernie Madoff for money laundering and misappropriating millions in fraudulent investments. Seems to us a guy with a name that slick — and a knack for getting his picture taken with the Pope — should be actually getting away with shit.
By Boston Phoenix Staff  |  March 25, 2009

Hard times

Life and debt in Dickens's Little Dorrit
When last year the BBC interrupted its broadcast of Little Dorrit — which hinges on the downfall of a Bernie Madoff–like figure — for a tawdry true-crime documentary, thousands of viewers complained: don't leave us hanging!
By JUSTINE ELIAS  |  March 24, 2009

A great little performer

Obama administration stubs its toe with the tax-challenged
If this doesn't convince you that no one with lotsa bucks plays by the rules, and that insider trading is rife on Wall Street, along with obscene bonuses collected by what are essentially crooks, with no morals, at most big lending institutions, how would you like to buy that bridge to Brooklyn at the lower end of Manhattan?
By PHILLIPPE AND JORGE  |  February 04, 2009

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey: It's not relative

Dr. Lovemonkey
Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  February 04, 2009

Apologies in advance

A pun-ishing economic climate
As the dominoes have fallen, one after another, in the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 and Almost Certainly 2009 and It's a Safe Bet Most of 2010 Too, we've noticed a disturbing and little-discussed undercurrent: many of the major players have names that are basically bad puns.
By MIKE MILIARD  |  December 24, 2008

The year the crap hit the fan

RI political mediocrity couldn't compare with the excesses of the fiscal meltdown
For a good metaphor of the year experienced by Rhode Island in 2008, consider the economic-development summit called by Governor Carcieri in November.
By IAN DONNIS  |  December 24, 2008

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