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Love bug

Damián Ortega rides into the ICA
At the 2003 Venice Biennale, Damián Ortega presented what has become his signature sculpture, Cosmic Thing . He dissected a 1989 Volkswagen Beetle and suspended the individual parts in mid air so that they resemble a 3-D assembly diagram.
By GREG COOK  |  September 25, 2009

Photo: Damian Ortega at ICA

Damian Ortega's Do It Yourself exhibit at the ICA, September 18, 2009 - January 18, 2009
Photos of Damian Ortega's Do It Yourself show at the ICA
By MELISSA OSTROW AND GREG COOK  |  September 22, 2009

Pottery, Potter, mummies, and a 'Rare Bird'

Museums and galleries gather their objets d'art
The art of 2000 BC Egypt, visions from the Iraq War and AIDS activism, and the magic of a digital technology and Harry Potter make up the highlights of Boston's autumn art calendar.
By GREG COOK  |  September 15, 2009

Photos: Black Moth Super Rainbow at ICA

Black Moth Super Rainbow, live at the ICA on August 28, 2009
Photos of Black Moth Super Rainbow's performance at the ICA
By JÉRÔME ENO  |  September 01, 2009

Photos: Prefuse 73 at ICA

Prefuse 73, live at the Institute of Contemporary Art, August 7, 2009
Photos of Prefuse 73 playing at the Institute of Contemporary Art
By DAVID F. NICHOLSON  |  August 11, 2009

Blake babies

New visions at the BCA and the ICA
Nature is mysterious and mystical in "And the fair Moon rejoices" (at the BCA's Mills Gallery through August 16), as foreign as the wilds of New England probably seemed to its first English settlers. And maybe there are witches about.
By GREG COOK  |  August 05, 2009

Review: Shepard Fairey + Z-Trip + Chuck D

“Experiment Redux” | Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston | July 31, 2009
So Shepard Fairey actually made it this time. No insane, last-minute sting operations by Boston cops lurking just off the ICA’s property line. But also: no grand dramatics, either. (Like, he totally could have parachuted through a shattered skylight. In slow motion.) Fairey just showed up and did his thing.

Screaming from the gallery

Dan Deacon, live at the ICA, June 12, 2009
Last Friday night, Dan Deacon dug frantically through tangles of cables for one that might get a live signal out of the duct-taped pile of equipment in front of him. A fire truck and an ambulance, pulling up outside the windows behind him, filled the room with dueling strobes.  
By MATT PARISH  |  June 15, 2009

Photos: Dan Deacon at the ICA

Dan Deacon, live at the Institute for Contemporary Art on June 12, 2009
Super Secret Summer Surprise with Dan Deacon at the ICA

Blood, bone, and mirrors

Prometheus at the ICA
At the beginning of Between Blood & Bone , a man and a woman stand at opposite sides of an empty space. A few minutes or a lifetime later, they're curled together on the floor, wrapped in the tightest possible embrace.
By MARCIA B. SIEGEL  |  May 19, 2009

Slideshow: Chunky Move at ICA

Chunky Move performs I Want to Dance Better at Parties at the Institute of Contemporary Art, March 27, 2009
The Australian troupe Chunky Move performed its 2004 work I Want to Dance Better at Parties at Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art from March 27 to 29.
By GREG COOK  |  April 01, 2009

Review: The Jester

Celebrating show business and religious tradition
The National Center for Jewish Films adds to its invaluable collection of restored Yiddish films with Joseph Green & Jan Nowina-Przybylski's Der Purimshpiler , a 1937 musical comedy.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  March 24, 2009


Zoe|Juniper at the ICA
Zoe/Juniper at the ICA
By MARCIA B. SIEGEL  |  February 26, 2009

Shepard Fairey bombs Boston

Interviews, videos, slideshows, and more of America's favorite street artist
The Massachusetts-bred street artist Shepard Fairey returned to his home-turf this month to "bomb" the Phoenix offices, conduct interviews, and unveil his latest work at the ICA.
By PHOENIX STAFF  |  February 11, 2009

Rogues' gallery

Lucky Dragons and Stephen Prina: Rockin' part of Andrew Witkin's installation at the ICA
Wayward visitors spilling into Andrew Witkin's Untitled 1997–2007 installation at the ICA last Sunday nearly tripped over Luke Fischbeck, who was crouched over an array of electrified sticks, shakers, tiny drums, and flutes.
By MATT PARISH  |  February 10, 2009

Slideshow: Shepard Fairey, ''Supply and Demand''

At the ICA, February 6 through August 16, 2009
Obey Giant Art
By SHEPARD FAIREY  |  February 11, 2009

All-natural ingredients

High Places and the quest for oomph
After more than 10 years of New York City — the rent, the intensity, the heat, the cold, and the inability to "pry" friends from their apartments — Rob Barber has had enough.
By MICHAEL BRODEUR  |  February 03, 2009

Review: Andrew Witkin, Doug Weathersby

Wonk appeal
Over the summer, José Luis Blondet, curator at the Boston Center for the Arts, invited Boston artist Andrew Witkin to do an unspecified project in a hidden corridor at the BCA's Mills Gallery.
By GREG COOK  |  January 20, 2009

Inside the box

Shepard Fairey at the ICA and a preview of February's First Friday
"Young people, and artists especially, respond to authenticity. And whether he's just very good at seeming authentic or whether he's really authentic, I think he has a lot of us convinced."
By EVAN J. GARZA  |  January 14, 2009

Year in Dance: Reusable histories & durable trends

No startling breakthroughs, but that's okay
Conservation is a good thing in these times, and some of the most interesting performances drew on the uses of history — personal history, performance history, and even some inventions that sought to overturn history.
By MARCIA B. SIEGEL  |  December 24, 2008

A small, good thing

Fred Frith and Cosa Brava try songs for a change
It's no surprise that Fred Frith, who's one of the world's leading improvising musicians and a wildly inventive composer, would form a group called Cosa Brava.
By TED DROZDOWSKI  |  December 09, 2008

Loud and clear

The 2008 Foster Prize at the ICA, Adel Abdessemed at MIT’s List Visual Arts Center
Although it's no stretch to say that contemporary artists are eager to say something, the art world has seen its fair share of awkwardly shitty gallery talks.
By EVAN J. GARZA  |  November 26, 2008

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