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Halal Indian Cuisine

Negotiating one's way to solid Northern Indian fare
I imagine many diners who like Indian cuisine and can tolerate some chili heat have had this frustrating discussion with their server: "Curry: spicy, please." "Would you like that mild, medium, or hot?" "Hot, please." "Ooh, hot here is very hot." "Hot, please."
By MC SLIM JB  |  June 03, 2009

Inventing the Future

At MIT's fabled Media Lab, some will change the world with robots and computers, others with . . . Wii guitars
Has Boston found the new Eric Clapton? A shimmying, face-contorting successor to Yngwie Malmsteen? Not exactly.
By ABIGAIL JONES  |  May 13, 2009

AIC crosses cultural divide

Fun with Islam
Dina Abkairova is a Muslim whose high heels and long flowing hair reveal her secular preference.
By PETER PIATETSKY  |  March 19, 2009

Propping up a puppet

Obama gets it wrong on Afghanistan
"If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer," Yogi Berra once said. President Obama should do the same.
By TED RALL  |  February 25, 2009

An accidentally tragic timeline

Letters to the Boston editor, December 12, 2008
Your “Terror Masala” article, unintentionally of course, is very timely in view of the atrocities in Mumbai.
By BOSTON PHOENIX LETTERS  |  December 10, 2008

Menino's mosque II

Making sense of what went on; taking action for the future
To date, the City Council has been strong-armed by the mayor's office into averting its gaze from all that went on in the construction of the mosque.
By EDITORIAL  |  December 12, 2008

Building a dialogue

Letters to the Boston editor, December 5, 2008
In the November 21 edition of the Phoenix , reporter David S. Bernstein makes a number of assertions about the Muslim American Society of Boston (MAS Boston) and the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center in Roxbury.
By BOSTON PHOENIX LETTERS  |  December 04, 2008

The spectacle of terror

Why the attacks in Mumbai constitute a terrible threat
Images are weapons as real as bullets and bombs.
By EDITORIAL  |  December 05, 2008

The PTech connection?

Between late 2002 and early 2003, the now defunct Fleet Bank in Boston attracted the attention of federal anti-terrorist investigators.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 24, 2008

Free pass on gay hatred?

Turning a blind eye
Outside observers have been quick to criticize any signs of anti-Semitism connected to the new Roxbury mosque.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 24, 2008

Photos: Menino's Mosque

 Photos of the mosque in Roxbury and people involved in its creation
 Photos of the mosque in Roxbury and people involved in its creation
By PHOENIX STAFF  |  November 26, 2008

Menino's mosque

The bizarre story behind the construction of Boston's most controversial building
Most locals concede that getting anything of substance accomplished in Boston is a Herculean task.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 24, 2008

Timeline of events

How the ISBCC turned from a place of worship to a symbol of controversy
How the ISBCC turned from a place of worship to a symbol of controversy
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 19, 2008

Shell Shocked

ISB and MAS leaders interact with the media, not always with favorable results
For months, no member of the mosque's current leadership would speak with the Phoenix for this story.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 19, 2008

Inside Job

The role of the BRA's Muhammad Ali-Salaam in the mosque's development
The conflict of interest between Ali-Salaam's role with the BRA and his close association with the mosque developers is captured in a transcript of a Feb. 2001 meeting.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 19, 2008

Failed Commitments

Concerns about whether mosque leaders have lived up to their commitments to Greater Roxbury
Although the mosque's leaders promise to provide benefits to the Greater Roxbury community, skeptics remain.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 19, 2008

Scaling Back

The financial issues with the mosque's size and revenue sources
To meet the city's requirement of a "community benefit" to the development of the parcel, nearly everyone agrees that the mosque must provide more than prayer space.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 19, 2008

Separate Cultures

The cultural divide between African-American and immigrant Muslims
In the late 1980s, when the plans for the mosque were first taking shape, it was intended to be developed by and for a primarily black Muslim population in Greater Roxbury.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 19, 2008

Basic elements

The international and roots-music scene heats up
Boston was a world-music stronghold even before the “world music” genre existed.
By TED DROZDOWSKI  |  September 08, 2008

The deadly cost of ‘honor killings’

Human rights
The United Nations Population Fund estimates that 5000 "honor killings" occur worldwide each year, though they are vastly underreported.  
By MARY ANN SORRENTINO  |  July 16, 2008

A Jihad for Love

Potent subject matter overshadowed by special effects
Homosexuality is illegal and highly punishable in the Muslim world (being stoned to death is a possibility); the faces of many of Sharma’s subjects are blurred to conceal their identity.
By NINA MACLAUGHLIN  |  June 25, 2008


Religious groups and the environment
They avoid religious cheerleading and tree-huggery; instead, their film demonstrates that when it comes to keeping the earth from getting wrecked beyond repair, it isn’t a matter of us versus them.
By NINA MACLAUGHLIN  |  February 20, 2008


Free at Last | Roc-a-Fella
The Philly native isn’t the popster they hoped he would be.
By RICHARD BECK  |  February 05, 2008

Guerrilla filmmaking

This Is Nollywood  opens the African Film Fest
Hollywood begat Bollywood, India’s extraordinary mass-market cinema.
By GERALD PEARY  |  February 04, 2008

Times and Winds

The spirit of childhood in Edenic Turkey
The coast of Turkey looks downright Edenic in Reha Erdem’s meditative and visually exquisite pastoral.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  November 28, 2007

A tragicomedy of errors

In an excerpt from his new book, The Fall of the House of Bush, author Craig Unger details how Bush is, well, screwing up the world
It was not until after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were narrowly re-elected that many Americans began to realize that the Iraq War represented a dangerous moment in American history.
By CRAIG UNGER  |  November 20, 2007

Iran: the next crisis

Trying to make sense of Ahmadinejad at Columbia will not shed light on Bush’s emerging plans to attack Iran
All politics are local, so said the late Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill.
By EDITORIAL  |  September 26, 2007

Scared silent

Three lawsuits have been dropped, but local media still seems reluctant to tackle the Islamic Society of Boston
Dr. Walid Fitaihi’s departure from and return to the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) were stories worth reporting.
By ADAM REILLY  |  September 19, 2007

Rushdie’s courage

Why Sir Salman’s knighthood matters
Bombay-born Salman Rushdie, educated at Rugby and Cambridge, is now Sir Salman Rushdie.
By EDITORIAL  |  June 20, 2007

Grief work

Prometheus's 'Devil's Wedding'
From dance to dance, they shared a movement vocabulary that suggested pain, struggle, solace, and submission to unseen but unbreakable constraints.
By MARCIA B. SIEGEL  |  May 29, 2007

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