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Thanks for nothing!, The beat goes on, Personally speaking, More
- Thanks for nothing!
We'd like to be thankful, we really would. Change came to Washington this year and the Mad Men returned.
- The beat goes on
I would like to thank the Boston Phoenix for choosing to speak the truth in your article “ The Year Women Got Beat Up ” when it could have easily chosen something more circulation-friendly.
- Personally speaking
For decades, feminists have rallied behind the phrase “the personal is political,” meant to remind us that our personal lives are intrinsically affected by politics.
- Money Matters
In 1979, at the height of the so-called “women’s movement” in America, a dollar coin was issued featuring the image of the feminist suffrage leader Susan B. Anthony.
- Arts and science
The power of Casdin-Silver’s work was in her eye for compelling bodies and their fleshy, otherworldly presence in her holograms.
- Dead white females
Can you remember the last time you curled up under the covers with Marcel Proust’s I n Search of Lost Time ?
- My Ellen Willis
When I was a queer teenager in suburban New Jersey in the early 1960s, I decided that I wanted to be Susan Sontag.
- Beauty for beauty's sake
For several years, Cristin Searles of Providence has been stitching together soft sculptures that catchily evoke natural forms.
- Fest raises awareness, celebrates women
Maria Mendes found her voice last spring, at a gathering to prepare for a trip to New Orleans to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues . Standing before a group of women, she finally got the courage to talk about being abused, surviving, and fighting to protect other women.
- Last of the Tuba
In a 2006 performance in the Boboli Gardens in Florence, Italy, MaryPat Warming wore a costume with a third prosthetic breast, stood with the Madonna’s poise at the edge of a wall with the vista of Florence unfolding behind her, and endeavored to consume the contents of several wine bottles full of whole unpasteurized milk.
- Women on the verge
At next week’s Democratic National Convention in Denver, Hillary Clinton’s delegates will get just about everything they’ve wanted — aside from the nomination of their candidate, of course.
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