We put a comic on the hot seat. This week’s victim . . .
By MARC HIRSH | July 15, 2008
Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just up and call you a communist right here and now.
You shouldn’t because my parents are, and they’re already on a list, and that might draw more attention to us from the . . . oops, I’ve already said too much.
Which would you rather eat: a cup of salt or four sticks of butter? Please make sure that your answer involves an animal somehow.
I’d eat a cup of salt so that I might come close to experiencing what a dolphin frolicking in the ocean might experience.
Do you ever look at your last name and think, “Van Delft is a pretty good name, but i really wish it were more Dutch”?
I do, actually. I do sometimes wish that there were a lot more consonants in a row with no vowels.
Are you more or less likely to join a polygamous cult now than you were six months ago?
I’m more likely now because the HBO show Big Love makes it seem a lot more cool. A lot more friendly and community-oriented. So I’m more likely now, I suppose. But we should probably ask my husband what he thought of that.
BETHANY VAN DELFT | Middle East corner, Cambridge | July 22 | 617.864.EAST | Comedy Studio, Cambridge | July 23 | 617.661.6507 | “Colorstruck: Women of Color in Comedy” at Midway Café, Jamaica Plain | August 2 | 617.524.9038
On the Web
Middle East: www.mideastclub.com
Comedy Studio: www.thecomedystudio.com
Midway Café: www.midwaycafe.com
Dance, Monkey: Steve Macone, What's that smell?, Dance, Monkey: Tom E. Morello, More
- Dance, Monkey: Steve Macone
Eeyore talks like the kind of guy who’s already had a lot of beers with people.
- What's that smell?
There are booty-dancing cuts from the ’80s, white girls hitting body-lock poses, and a sign slung on the taps that reads “$2.50 Cans of Mystery Beer.”
- Dance, Monkey: Tom E. Morello
Wow, I’ve never had anyone use the elaborate guise of journalism to let me know that I’m not welcome to bang them. Really, you could’ve just said no.
- Dance, Monkey: J.J. Leslie
Kool-Aid is the ultimate energy drink, and it smashes through walls with its character, so it makes transportation easier.
- Dance, Monkey: Chrissy Kelleher
No one over the age of 22 should wear butt-revealing pants.
- Dance, Monkey: Selena Coppock
Tila Tequila, where’d you come from? You’re this manufactured little pop tart. Euch. Grody-wack.
- Blown up
Lamar’s voice both ravages and exults in the past 10 years of the Pained Male Pop Singer.
- Dance, Monkey: Jon Rineman
I like to take my time surveying the voting booths, slowly walking past each one for about 20 minutes. Then I pick one, say, “Yes. This is the one. This will do."
- Beyond a joke
Your recent “Chick Schtick” article contained a very interesting and revealing line.
- Slideshow: Swaggering Growlers at Midway Café
Swaggering Growlers kick off their tour at Midway Café
- Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get them Biebers?
The Internet overflowed into the Midway Café last Saturday night — lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com had apparently sprung a leak, and the Jamaica Plain bar was filled with Justin Bieber clones.
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, Culture and Lifestyle, Language and Linguistics, Mammals, More
, Culture and Lifestyle, Language and Linguistics, Mammals, Nature and the Environment, Wildlife, Marine Animals, comedy Studio, midway Cafe, Marc Hirsh, Van Delft, Less