WANT A TASTE? Find a list of Moonlight Meadery's local stockists at moonlightmeadery.com, or pay a visit to the Londonderry brewery, which opens at 11 am daily and offers tours every half-hour on weekends and as needed during the week.
Need mead? Plus, Revival’s here and Lagunitas Sucks, Lemons’ Aid, Ten places that served and respected beer in 2012, More
- Need mead? Plus, Revival’s here and Lagunitas Sucks
Pete Seeger sang, "We will pray just like the Druids/Drinking strange fermented fluids/Go dancing naked through the woods/They're good enough for me." Those "strange fermented fluids" were mead.
- Lemons’ Aid
The second-most-popular liqueur in its native Italy — a sweet, zesty runner-up to bitter Campari — limoncello seems to capture the essence of sun-soaked lemon groves.
- Ten places that served and respected beer in 2012
One of the top questions we get asked on a weekly basis is: "Where do you guys drink in the Boston area?"
- John Harvard's new deal
We recently visited the original John Harvard's Brewery & Ale House in Harvard Square to check out renovations made this past September.
- The cost of cocktails
After a brief, giddy period of inflation during the Great Cocktail Expansion, we seem to have settled on an unspoken baseline price structure.
- BeerAdvocate: Jack’s Abby Gets La(r)ger
Although beers from small brewers are seemingly everywhere, light pale lagers produced by large brewers still dominate the market.
- Aquavit and its caraway-flavored cousin
One of the few consolations of aging is that even as a lot of our other senses start to decline, our palates become more sophisticated.
- A look at Harpoon’s new waterfront watering hole
Between its growing brewery scene and its scores of bars and restaurants, Boston doesn't lack for beer options. The one thing the city has lacked in our lifetimes is a beer hall — but this is about to change.
- The Hard Stuff: Cocktail balance
For bartenders, a cocktail's balance is everything.
- Beer Advocate: Q&A with Trillium Brewing, Boston’s newest brewery
Despite Boston's diverse beer scene, the city proper has hosted only three production breweries since 1986: Harpoon Brewery (1986), Samuel Adams (Jamaica Plain R&D brewery, 1988), and Tremont Brewery (Charlestown, 1993; closed).
- Beer Advocate: Touring Boston’s Breweries
Although there are upwards of 40 licensed brewers in Greater Boston, many brew under contract at breweries that sell their excess capacity to other beer companies.
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, mead, liquid features