On our first visit, he much enjoyed the Ja Jang Myun, which featured shrimp, mussels, and squid over noodles, tossed with black bean paste, caramelized onion, and cucumber on the plate for cooling contrast. As enjoyable as the first visit was, we did even better on our return. The seafood Soon-Tofu came in a bowl, with the rice dish containing plenty of shellfish, as well as a delicate soft tofu, rather than the firm variety. It also held the surprise of a golden egg yolk bursting beneath it all.
Our favorite item of all the above was my last dinner dish: Dukbokgi ($8.99). I decided to have it with potato noodles ($3) rather than ramen ($2.50), and was glad of the choice. The noodles were quite firm, for a pleasant resistance when I expected a sodden mass. The sweet and slightly spicy sauce was delicious, as were the thin triangles of fish cake. Carrots and scallions were there for color. What were billed as “rice cakes” were tasty and looked like short sections of extra-firm mozzarella sticks. I’m having this dish again.
There are no desserts at this restaurant. Good. That leaves room for sharing one more exotic dish.
Solomon Korean Restaurant, 404 Benefit St, Providence | Mon-Sat, 11 am-9 pm | Major credit cards | BYOB | Sidewalk-level access | 401.621.9749
Email the author
Bill Rodriguez: bill@billrod.com
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, Culture and Lifestyle, Food and Cooking, Foods, Fruits and Vegetables, Ethnic Cuisines, Meat, Seafood, Asian Food and Cooking, Japanese Food and Cooking, Korean Food and Cooking, Less