When dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the carnivores often ate the herbivores. But then we evolved. Today, meat-eaters and plant-eaters can coexist — and even share a blanket for a jolly picnic in the park. This relatively new alliance would sicken the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but we, unlike the T-Rex, have arms big enough to give hugs — even to those whose diets differ from our own — and the common decency to not eat them. This is why we've made it our business to find you the best picnic spots. Each one has nearby joints where you can pick up some quick eats for your hamper — no matter what your gastronomic persuasion. Unless you're that carnival-geek guy who eats airplanes, in which case you're kinda S.O.L.
Illustration by Dyna Moe at hipsteranimals.tumblr.com
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