Socialism might be a dirty word in America, but for Russians during the Soviet era, it was the way things were. At least the dogmatic, dehumanizing version of socialism favored by the Politburo. And young people during those days, for the most part, were proud of it. How did they handle the abrupt transition to the rough-and-ready capitalism of present-day Russia? Robin Hessman's outstanding documentary profiles five such individuals. For these Russians, the '70s were kind of like our '50s, and the '90s were kind of like our '60s. But now, over 40 and disillusioned, all five find that the spirit of both the '70s and the '90s has been replaced by a culture that celebrates the worst aspects of Western materialism. Some succumb to the times and conform and even thrive. Others soldier on, clinging to their beliefs. These hardliners still treasure their ideals and the solidarity of those who share them. They know they can't betray those ideals without denying who they truly are.
, Movies, Russia, Communism, More
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