The Fullmetal Alchemist series has expanded impressively, from the 2001 graphic novel, to the 2003 anime series and film to the 2009 reboot of the anime, and now Kazuya Murata's film, which picks up from the middle of the second anime reboot. The usual heroes, Ed and Al, play second fiddle to new characters who live in Milos, the city between Creta and Amestris; and though the film's animated battles deserve the big screen, FMA fans may be disappointed to see their old favorites — Mustang, Hawkeye, and Winry — make only cameo appearances. But this is a gripping mystery in its own right, and even retains the original Japanese voice actors (with subtitles). Newcomers, however, might have trouble following how alchemical magic works, and because the climax involves depressing twists and gory murders, both done in trademark FMA style (read: sudden and disturbing), you'd best leave the kids at home.