When I told my bosses here at the Phoenix that I was going to need some time off to attend Bonnaroo for my third year in a row, I expected to hear something along the lines of, "Have fun, don't die, and we'll see you when you get back." Instead, they handed me a flipcam and asked me to take some notes. So here's my recap of those four days of fun in the roasting Tennessee sun, as I run down 12 of the more noteworthy acts I caught that weekend.
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Review: WFNX's Miracle on Tremont Street 2009, 2009: The top 10 in pop music, Is 2010 the Year of the Girl?, More
- Review: WFNX's Miracle on Tremont Street 2009
A quick, mildly sycophantic shout-out to the "powers that be" here in Phoenix -Land: This year's Miracle on Tremont Street was nothing short of a wicked pissah powerhouse bill. The grand old Orpheum creaked under the weight of a sold-out audience, and a pronounced feistiness prevailed .
- 2009: The top 10 in pop music
Hmm, lots of women, a few old dudes, and some African banjo (not to be confused with Steve Martin's Hollywood banjo).
- Is 2010 the Year of the Girl?
Many have argued that the descriptor "indie music" means nothing more or less than "bands Pitchfork reviews" these days, and the claim was never more true than last year
- The Big Hurt: Leisurely stroll through Billboard’s ‘Heatseekers’
A year into this whole "Who Charted" thing and I'm finally getting to the most exciting stuff.
- Holy Ghost | Static on the Wire
Did I miss the release of a "my hipstamatic dance band" app for the iPhone in the past year or so?
- The Big Hurt: Alternative rock songs
I got up this morning filled with a furious hatred of alt-rock — I was tossing and turning half the night with Third Eye Blind's "Semicharmed Life" stuck in my head, a torment I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
- WFNX's top 101 songs in 2010
WFNX listeners voted online at wfnx.net for six weeks to create this list of 2010's best songs.
- No moves required
Some of us are just better off not shaking it in public. So here are a few recurring options for rad nights of music that require not an ounce of dance mojo on your part.
- Review: Magnetic Fields at the Wilbur Theatre
“Similarly, here’s another song about miserable death,” Stephen Merritt drolly informed us between songs.
- Photos: Henry Gale at Great Scott
Henry Gale celebrate their Earthbound EP release at Great Scott on February 18, 2010
- The Souljazz Orchestra | Rising Sun
We're living in the middle of a veritable renaissance of "Spiritual Jazz."
- Cotton Candy | Top Notch & First Rate
Anyone who's seen Cotton Candy in person can attest that they're irresistibly camp and cute.
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Live Reviews
, Phoenix, Phoenix, Phish, More
, Phoenix, Phoenix, Phish, The Flaming Lips, The Flaming Lips, The Flaming Lips, Rivers Cuomo, Wayne Coyne, Weezer, Weezer, Less