Dillinger Escape Plan

Ire Works | Relapse
By PATRICK CATES  |  November 27, 2007
2.5 2.5 Stars
Dillinger Escape Plan are scientists. Spanning 10 years, their distinguished research project has tried to answer the question “How many different time signatures and timbres of guitar brutality can be squeezed into a single song?” Their latest study, a tightly organized half hour of violent, variegated cacophony, tests a raft of new hypotheses. Into how many seconds can you reasonably compress a horror-film soundtrack (“When Acting As a Particle”)? What is the most unsettling riff that can be played on a guitar (“Nong Eye Gong”)? The only flaw in their methodology is Greg Puciato’s Jekyll-and-Hyde vocalizing. When he tears apart his larynx with staccato shouts and screams (“82588”), he’s part of the program. But when he resorts to melody during the subtler passages (“Black Bubblegum”), he stands apart from the music like a pompous, posturing nü-metaller. Ire Works is good science tarnished slightly by one bad experiment.
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  Topics: CD Reviews , Science and Technology, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Sciences,  More more >
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  •   HALL OF JUSTICE  |  January 07, 2008
    The Roundhouse in North London is a legendary chameleon of a venue.
  •   GORILLAZ  |  January 07, 2008
    It’s a butcher’s trashcan of a double-length album.
  •   DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN  |  November 27, 2007
    Dillinger Escape Plan are scientists.
  •   WEEN  |  October 22, 2007
    Ween come out flapping and squawking on La Cucaracha .

 See all articles by: PATRICK CATES