Preaching to the choir, Marriage activists get closure, look forward, The family is society’s glue, More
- Preaching to the choir
Despite the curious omission of the Phoenix, that bastion of liberal, progressive, alternative news, The Nation's Guide to the Nation (Vintage) mostly lives up to its stated goal of being " a kind of collage of the Left.
- Marriage activists get closure, look forward
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree expressed what many in the room were feeling at Equality Maine’s annual dinner celebration on Saturday night: the function room at the Holiday Inn by the Bay on Spring Street elicits “a little bit of PTSD” for Maine’s gay-rights supporters.
- The family is society’s glue
Mr. Inglis's article in the June 25 edition of that paragon-peddler of urban vice, the Phoenix , launches a journalistic battle in his article on the war on "progress" by the unholy alliance of the conservative right.
- The Ploughshares years
After reading an item on the Boston Globe book page noting that DeWitt Henry had published a memoir, I bought a copy of the book.
- Rough Seas Ahead
Eighteen months after Barack Obama took office with the largest plateful of troubles of any president in recent memory, it would seem only fair for him to finally get a stretch of smooth sailing.
- Gay-marriage win; progressive agenda loss?
Gay-rights supporters won a huge victory on July 8, when a federal judge in Boston ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) — the federal law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman, thereby denying legally married same-sex couples important federal benefits — was unconstitutional because it violated two Amendments, the Fifth and the Tenth.
- Review: Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance
Common Nonsense effectively and in detail confirms what thinking folks already knew but may have had difficulty explaining: Beck, equal parts Mormon and moron, is a towering ignoramus and a shameless bigot.
- Portland's new skatepark is exactly what we didn't ask for
The hardest trick in skateboarding isn't a darkside grind or even a 360 hardflip — it's building the actual skatepark.
- My buddy, the spy
Mikhail Semenko, one of the Russians recently accused of spying for his government, was a friend of mine.
- Looking for a better idea
P+J aren’t sure how many Vo Dilunduhs caught Matt Bai’s story on Linc Chafee in last week’s New York Times , but BeloJo political columnist Edward Fitzpatrick certainly did and, in his Tuesday column, he decided to do a little follow-up with the other gubernatorial candidates.
- Immigration activists miss a chance
New England activists had what may have been their biggest opportunity to thrust immigration front and center this past weekend — and some local activists are disappointed that the movement didn't make a better showing.
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This Just In
, Phoenix, Social Issues, Gay marriage, More
, Phoenix, Social Issues, Gay marriage, David Scharfenberg, News, Awards, NENPA, Less