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Maine Greens readying for 2010

 To the left, to the left
By DEIRDRE FULTON  |  May 13, 2009

The Maine Green Independent Party, which celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2009, announced its seven-member steering committee after its annual convention in Augusta early this month. The party, currently chaired by Portland charter commission candidate Anna Trevorrow, seems to be positioning itself for a presence in upcoming election cycles; two Green names have been bandied about as possible 2010 gubernatorial candidates — lawyer Lynne Williams, of Bar Harbor, and Patrick Quinlan, an author and former legislative aide to John Eder.

Members of the steering committee, who represent a membership of more than 30,000 people statewide, include Trevorrow, as well as:

Portlander Anthony Zeli, who serves as treasurer;

Jack Harrington, an educator from Deer Isle;

Jane Meisenbach, former Green Independent party chairperson, of Harpswell;

Brunswickian David Frans, who ran for a seat in the Maine House last year and got 13 percent of the vote in his district;

Hawaiian Green Party founder and longtime social activist Jon Olsen, of Jefferson;

Erin Cianchette of Cumberland, who worked for former Green gubernatorial candidate Pat LaMarche and currently serves as field director for the Maine People's Alliance.

  Topics: This Just In , Anna Trevorrow, Election Campaigns, Elections and Voting,  More more >
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