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Remembering 9-11

Eight years later
Eight years ago, on a sunny Tuesday September morning in New York City and Washington, DC, a sickeningly well-orchestrated terrorist attack took flight, in part, from Boston’s Logan International Airport.
By BOSTON PHOENIX STAFF  |  September 15, 2009

Three Day Threshold take pride in roots

The undiscovered country
Three Day Threshold take pride in their roots
By BARRY THOMPSON  |  January 26, 2009

Toxic talk: Hating Obama

Repugnant anti-Obama hate speech has dissipated for the moment. How likely is it to raise its ugly head again?
During and just after the 2008 presidential campaign, the antipathy of right-wing pundits toward Barack Obama reached remarkable, often repugnant depths.
By ADAM REILLY  |  January 19, 2009

Good news, bad news

Fear and loathing? Or happy days? The only thing we know for sure about the coming year is that we're all in this together.
It will be the best of times. Or, perhaps, it will be the worst.
By MIKE MILIARD  |  December 30, 2008

Party like it's 1999

How to throw a wicked pisser goodbye Bush/HellObama bash
Just because you puked a lung on New Year's Eve doesn't mean you can't plan another five-alarm rager this month.
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  December 30, 2008

The nanny state

Why Boston's latest tobacco ban is a blow to liberty
Assaults on liberty promoted by right-wing authoritarians, such as President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney, may be difficult to combat, but they are easy to recognize.
By EDITORIAL  |  December 18, 2008

Pete Burr

Almost Famous
4 am bar closings; drop martial law; bring Buddy back.
By FRANK MULLIN  |  December 03, 2008

Terror masala

Bollywood’s colorful, multi-genre musicals serve up their most interesting character yet: the singing, dancing terrorist.
After living in fear of terrorism for more than half a decade, it’s something of a relief to sit in the dark at the Somerville Theatre and . . . laugh at it.
By SEETHA NARAYAN  |  December 02, 2008

On the ground

A decade in the war on terror
Through journalistic instincts, hunches, and sheer luck, Dexter Filkins has, for the past ten years, managed to frequently be in the wrong place at the right time.
By CHRISTOPHER GRAY  |  November 05, 2008

Rise of the political bogeyman

Impotent on the issues, the GOP turns to scare tactics. Be afraid!
The Republicans appear headed to a second straight national pummeling, which will leave it marginalized in the federal government and an increasing number of state houses. Many party faithful are already noting the need for the GOP to move back toward the moderate center to survive. But the conservatives with microphones are heading down a very different path — and their followers, who now dominate the Republican Party, are going right with them.
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  November 03, 2008

Night of the living dead

What if the election doesn’t end on Election Day?
It’s almost over. This is welcome news.
By ADAM REILLY  |  November 03, 2008


Reich and roll on MPG
Gone, mostly, are the days of gathering around the radio for express, focused entertainment.  
By MEGAN GRUMBLING  |  October 27, 2008

Astro naught

Sports blotter: "More trouble for the Clemens family" edition
Always a darned shame when we hear that the Clemens family has fallen on hard times.
By MATT TAIBBI  |  September 10, 2008

Terror 'toonist

Dept. of gallows humor
Earlier this month, syndicated cartoonist Matt Bors found a new fan in none other than Salim Hamdan, the man tried and convicted for once having been Osama Bin Laden’s driver.
By CLIF GARBODEN  |  August 20, 2008

Let’s embrace satire, not boycott it

Get a grip
When the New Yorker last week ran a cover illustration spoofing the right-wing critique of Barack Obama, it was another instance in which the storied magazine put a provocative point on its front page.
By IAN DONNIS  |  July 23, 2008

Voting right

Why Beacon Hill should adopt same-day voting and join the national popular-vote movement. Plus, that Obama cover.
The Massachusetts Legislature is expected to vote in the next several days on two proposals that would make democracy, well, more democratic.
By EDITORIAL  |  July 16, 2008

Pillow talk

Digging into the Education Partnership-Achorn connection
Phillipe + Jorge were shocked  to learn via Buddy Cianci’s WPRO radio show that Valerie Forti, head of the financially troubled Education Partnership, is married to Eddie Achorn, editorial page editor of the Urinal.
By PHILLIPE AND JORGE  |  July 02, 2008

Bigmouth strikes again

Immortal Technique goes on the offensive
The few college students who don’t watch The Daily Show get their news from Immortal Technique.
By CHRIS FARAONE  |  June 24, 2008

Booked up

Several shelves’ worth of summer reads
Summertime, and the reading is easy.
By BARBARA HOFFERT  |  June 09, 2008

Signs of life

A full slate of compelling fare at the 11th annual Newport International Film Festival
Gone are the days when documentaries were regarded as the scruffy relatives of “real” films.

Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?

Nobody knows
Last time we saw documentarian Morgan Spurlock, he was downing McDonald’s fries in Supersize Me.
By TOM MEEK  |  April 16, 2008

Body of War

Poetic Americana
Tomas Young volunteered for the US Army right after 9/11, hoping to be sent to Afghanistan and chase down Osama bin Laden.
By GERALD PEARY  |  April 09, 2008

Rueful reflections

Taking stock of the war in Iraq
March 19 marks the fifth anniversary of the start of our war in Iraq.
By GREG COOK  |  March 12, 2008

Spring brakes

Spring Arts Preview: Some diversions before the summer onslaught
Funny how spring movies can mirror the options of spring break.
By PETER KEOUGH  |  March 10, 2008

Dumb or dishonest?

Bush and Iran. Plus, disturbing news about AIDS, and Romney’s illegal problem
For some reason, wisdom maintains that Republicans hold an edge over Democrats when it comes to commanding the military and conducting foreign policy.
By EDITORIAL  |  December 05, 2007

Hell on earth

The Devil and Darfur
How does the Devil get his work done? With the greatest of ease, seems to be the answer.
By JAMES PARKER  |  November 27, 2007

A tragicomedy of errors

In an excerpt from his new book, The Fall of the House of Bush, author Craig Unger details how Bush is, well, screwing up the world
It was not until after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were narrowly re-elected that many Americans began to realize that the Iraq War represented a dangerous moment in American history.
By CRAIG UNGER  |  November 20, 2007

Free the Juice

Sports blotter: "Return of Orenthal James" edition
As you surely have heard by now, O.J. Simpson is up to his old tricks again.
By MATT TAIBBI  |  September 26, 2007

Iran: the next crisis

Trying to make sense of Ahmadinejad at Columbia will not shed light on Bush’s emerging plans to attack Iran
All politics are local, so said the late Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill.
By EDITORIAL  |  September 26, 2007

New details emerge on local post-9/11 flight

Taking off
Remember the charter flights that expedited Saudi nationals out of the US soon after the attacks?
By PETER VOSKAMP  |  September 19, 2007

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