HEARTY PLATES: Well worth the wait.
An impressive crowd of hungry visitors lines up daily to satiate their appetites with hearty plates of breakfast and lunch fare at the Paramount. The cafeteria-style line can be daunting at times, particularly on the weekends. It’s not unheard of to wait 45 minutes before placing an order. But, as anyone who is familiar with the Beacon Hill establishment can attest, it’s well worth the wait. And while various sandwiches, burgers, salads, omelets, and pancakes are being made to order right in front of you, consider treating yourself to a crab-cake BLT. Thick-sliced tomato, crunchy lettuce, fresh bacon, and a savory crab cake are served on a lightly toasted flaky roll with your choice of fries, sweet-potato fries, or slaw. This rich sandwich is such a treat, you’ll never want to eat a plain old BLT again.
Available for $9 at the Paramount, 44 Charles Street, Boston | 617.720.1152.