Boston music news: November 17Notes on Bang Camaro and O'Brien's November 13,
2006 4:33:22 PM
Some of Bang Camaro
“We expected people to just hate us,” says guitarist Bryn Bennett of BANG CAMARO’s early days, nearly a year ago. “We’re a 20-person hard-rock band. We play it straight up.” He and guitar partner Alex Necochea come from indie backgrounds, the former from the Model Sons and the latter from the Good North and Bleu. When they joined forces, Bennett says, “we ended up with a full album we were happy with, but at the end of practice we’d have more fun playing guitar solos. We wrote the song ‘Bang Camaro’ with two words, invited five friends to sing with us, and had the most fun we’d ever had in a band. We wanted to pull off that Def Leppard/Skid Row sound and we decided we needed 15 singers. We love hard rock, unapologetically.” Having just returned from a CMJ showcase, Bang Camaro are being courted by major labels. And, they’ve got a track on the new
Guitar Hero II video game, alongside Kiss and Van Halen. Their next big local show is New Year’s Eve, downstairs at the Middle East. . . . O’BRIEN’S shut down last Sunday for renovations; it hopes to reopen by February. . . . It’s been seven years since the LOT SIX formed, and though they’ve spawned plenty of side projects (Frank Smith, for one), they’ll be no more after tonight (November 16), when they say goodbye with a final show downstairs at the Middle East. . . . And for those of you who missed it the first time, the Mission of Burma documentary
screens again on November 21 at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, the very same day that it’ll be released on DVD by MVD.


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