Fool's GoldEver shirtless, ever silly  February 13,
2008 2:04:00 PM
Kate Hudson and Mathew McConaughey
Perhaps the biggest fools in this nautical National Treasure wanna-be are venerable actors Ray Winstone and Donald Sutherland, who not only are wasted but at times look inane. As for Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson, they should have a sit-down with their agents. The two play treasure hunters, “Finn” Finnegan and his estranged wife, Tess, who are searching for a Spanish wreck off the Florida Keys. Also going for the gold are Finn’s former mentor, Moe Fitch (Winstone), Sutherland’s snooty moneybags, Nigel Honeycutt, and a thuggish rap mogul (Kevin Hart) whom Finn is into for a few fins. Not a worthless premise, but director Andy Tennant (Hitch) and his posse of writers don’t know whether to play the adventure for laughs, drama, or action. Still, Hudson and (the ever shirtless) McConaughey manage to remain afloat in this mess, and Alexis Dziena helps buoy it as Honeycutt’s ditzy celebutante daughter — an obvious poke at Paris Hilton. 110 minutes | Boston Common + Fenway + Fresh Pond + Circle + suburbs

- Some Things at Trinity
- Never mind its tough-girl alt-porn feminism: SuicideGirls has already moved on to a new generation
- If you want to lose the ‘fright wig,’ try ditching your shampoo
- In honor of National Boss Day, presents the ultimate kingpins
- A bad Review of some campus elitists
- At 67, Plácido Dominingo makes his Boston concert Debut
- Goodbye, Friend
- Massachusetts may be beyond reform, but couldn’t Governor Patrick try a little harder?
- Valerie goes Down Under
- Brahms from Levine and Kissin, Emmanuel’s Bach B-minor Mass, the Cantata Singers’ Kurt Weill cabaret
- What the Bayside Glacier can teach us about Portland’s sewage problem
- Ramon Martinez, Bill Harley, Ren Whitaker, and Bob Fusaro
Nobody knows
A bloodless slasher flick
A limp comedic effort
Big screen fairy tale
Vegetation and gore
A plucky play that takes its eyes off the ball
Strange but slickly done
Another Martin Lawrence shtick
A chilling gangland epic
A grand idea

- Nobody knows
- Unforgettable direction
- A bloodless slasher flick
- Sexy but emotionally failing
- A limp comedic effort
- Big screen fairy tale
- Majesty and manure
- Clear and serene
- Hilariously good gorefest
- FirstWorks sends in the puppets