Any time a punk band — especially one with Anti-Flag’s legacy — moves to a major label, a backlash from the hardcore DIY faction is bound to ensue. Anti-Flag have seen their share of it since signing to RCA last April: they even reacted by posting a salvo against “punk scene elitism” on their Web site. The post also includes a promise to fans that the band’s signature far-left politics will remain part of their punk equation no matter what imprint they’re signed to. Their first for RCA does much to keep that promise: buzzing power chords, ska bass lines, and simple solos provide backing for screeching laments over militarism, conservatism, and fascism. “Exodus” excerpts Martin Niemöller’s “First They Came,” a poem about the lack of opposition to the Nazi takeover of Germany. And the acoustic “One Trillion Dollars” blasts the Bush administration’s role in the international arms market. Despite its softer sound, it stays true to the Anti-Flag platform.
Anti-Flag + Casualties + Unseen + Smoke or Fire + AKAs | April 11 | Club Lido, 1290 North Shore Drive, Revere | 617.931.2000
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