Pawtucket mayoral debate tonight
Matt has the details:
Tonight, the Pawtucket Alliance for Downtown Success (PADS), in cooperation with the Pawtucket Times and the Rhode Island Citizens for the Arts (RI4arts), will host a Conversation with the Pawtucket Mayoral candidates from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the intimate setting of the Gamm Theatre (172 Exchange Street in Pawtucket).
The converation will be moderated by Richard Kazarian, Jr., a local arts/antiques dealer and historian, Chair of Pawtucket’s Riverfront Commission and named Pawtucket’s Citizen of the Year in 2005 by The Pawtucket Foundation. Various topics will be explored including Economic Development, Arts and Revitalization and Civic Improvement. The conversation is geared towards gaining a broad understanding of the candidates feelings about the City and its’ Future.
The event is free and open to the public. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and seating is limited. First come, first served. For more information please see, email info at, or call 401-751-4074.