How much do you work out?
My job is my workout. I dance five days a week for six hours a day.
Do you watch what you eat, or does this body just come naturally?
I would have to say it’s 50/50. I was blessed with good genes, but I have also acquired a taste for
healthy food . . . most of the time.
What’s your favorite guilty-pleasure food?
There is nothing better than an excellent meal. I never think about my body when I’m eating delicious food. I have a thing for oysters and caviar, but sometimes I also drink way too much Coke.
You’ve got a great body now, but did you ever go through that “awkward” stage?
Doesn’t everybody?
If you could have anyone else’s body, whose would it be?
Superman, the DC Comics; they draw him with the perfect body.
Favorite exercise?
Lifting women.
Least favorite exercise?
Lifting women over and over and over again, and your back is not doing that well that day.
What’s the best body compliment you’ve ever received?
Being nominated for this is a pretty good compliment!
What do you consider your best body part?
Do I have to answer that question? I’m very hard with myself; I’m a dancer and we look for perfection.
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