Bjørn Lomborg, the Danish director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and author of The Skeptical Environmentalist, has been called an idiot and a traitor by his critics — none of whom is given a forum to speak in the new documentary from Ondi Timoner, who dug much deeper in Dig! and We Live in Public. Except, that is, for Stephen Schneider, Nobel-winning professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford, who comes off as an angry, self-serving loon. He gets lots of screen time. No, Timoner is more interested in one-upping Oscar-winning documentarian Davis Guggenheim, as Lomborg disputes Al Gore's inconvenient truths, one power point at a time. Lomborg might not interact with his detractors, but at least he finds time for monthly visits to his Alzheimer's-stricken mom. And he dedicates the film to Schneider, who died in July. So even if Cool It doesn't rebut charges that Lomberg is the scientific community's Antichrist, it does suggest he might be a nice guy.