Punk and women's issues rally for BARCC
By LIZ PELLY | April 13, 2011
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Review: The Thermals at the Middle East downstairs, Slideshow: The Thermals at the Middle East downstairs, They who smelt it, dealt it, More
- Review: The Thermals at the Middle East downstairs
You know summer's almost here when the pipes that snake along the low ceiling of the Middle East downstairs start beading up with sweat in the middle of a show.
- Slideshow: The Thermals at the Middle East downstairs
Portland's The Thermals at the Middle East downstairs
- They who smelt it, dealt it
Last Friday’s Iron Pour — a festival of fire and metal — felt like a giddy lab experiment cooked up by 12-year-old pyromaniacs who spent a week watching The Wicker Man .
- Review: CiB's strong finish
The personal is apolitical. With this simple inversion of an old cliché, you'll discover why Covered in Bees (who disbanded in September) were so important.
- Screaming Females at SPACE Gallery, September 27
Screaming Females have played Portland regularly as their blog-fueled star has risen; the buzz behind them is of a time-honored punk tradition (their albums are fine, but they are essential live viewing), but their punk itself is not.
- Review: Seacoast Rep's clever Rooms
Monica (Christine Dulong), a go-getter songwriter and Glasgow’s "young Jewish entertainer of the year," at first seems a poor match for snarky rocker Ian (Graham Bailey), who hides out in his bedroom noodling on his guitar and taking slugs from a flask. ("Can you blame me?" he asks. "Have you seen the public lately?")
- Down in the folk trenches with the Old Edison
In a messy Allston kitchen, in unison, a mob of about 20 or 30 persons start screaming at the Old Edison. And as is their custom, the Old Edison shout right back. Welcome to a typical Old Edison performance, but please watch your step.
- Laura Stevenson moves from aggression to affirmation
Fuck math. All teenagers should be forced to play in punk bands.
- Slideshow: Doomstar gives out amateur tattoos
Punk trio Doomstar administer ink to Phoenix music writer P. Nick Curran; read his story about his experience and watch the video here .
- Strange world
Bob Pfeifer's debut novel, University of Strangers (published by Power City Press, the print arm of the punk label Smog Veil Records), is a fictionalized retelling of a sensational, true-life murder case, as related in the voices of real people.
- Photos: Dropkick Murphys at Whiskey Republic
The Dropkick Murphys perform live at the exclusive grand opening party for Whiskey Republic on March 14, 2011.
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