I read, so far just skimmed, your article on the 9/11 truth movement (see "Inside the 9/11 Truth Movement," by Deirdre Fulton, September 9). One assertion that I find questionable is the belief that there are only a "dozen" or so truthers in Maine. I am a public-access producer of a show called News & Blues which came about because of my skepticism of the official narrative, almost 10 years ago. My show can be seen on Portland's Community Television Network channel 5 , Hollis/Buxton's Saco River TV, and Gorham's GoCat public-access channel. Last week I produced a 9/11 "special" which includes the Ed Asner hosted clip from the Architects and Engineers group. After 10 years of "connecting the dots," having started with the 9/11 event, I can tell you that I am convinced that we are being covertly steered into a one world government/dictatorship. The signs have been growing for years, and I feel, will soon reach that "critical mass" of believers.
Rob Speer
, Politics, Conspiracy Theories, 9/11, More
, Politics, Conspiracy Theories, 9/11, September 11, conspiracy theory, letters, government, truth, conspiracy, truthers, Less