
Ah, Thanksgiving. Mashed potatoes, football, that asshole uncle of yours.

Then, of course, there is the highlight of the holiday season: the Phoenix's fourth annual turkeys issue, wherein we call out Rhode Islanders for behavior most fowl.

And there was plenty of it this past year: injustice, insider dealing, and incompetence so staggering even the most cynical Rhody lifers blanched.

Break out the electric carving knives, Pilgrims. It's time to dig in.

Donald Carcieri


It's been a couple of years since former Governor Donald Carcieri hatched the bird-brained scheme to funnel millions in loan guarantees to preening Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and his untested 38 Studios video game company.

But that scheme ― the guarantees amounted to $75 million, in the end ― didn't come home to roost until this spring, when the firm collapsed. Hence, the 2012 turkeyfication.

Curt Schilling

The implosion left the taxpayers on the hook for millions, of course. But it also reinforced a damning narrative of a state run by the sort of corrupt incompetents who dole out favors to friends or any turkey with a little twinkle.

There is plenty of blame to go around for the 38 Studios debacle (see below). But the two biggest players are our coverbirds.

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  Topics: News Features , Curt Schilling, Lincoln Chafee, Gordon Fox,  More more >
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