We asked, you answered: our readers text in votes for Sarah Palin's next baby name
By LANCE GOULD | September 23, 2008
Gwyneth had Apple. Posh had Brooklyn. And moose-killing miracle mom Sarah Palin beat them all with Trig Paxson Van Palin, a name so cool that it rhymes with “Eddie Van Halen.”Trig, her fifth, was conceived and delivered while Palin was Alaska’s chief executive. And, in that the coolest state’s condom-eschewing hottest governor is still relatively young, one presumes she’s just getting started! If she moves into the vice-presidential manse at Number One Observatory Circle, or later, as President Palin, gets it on with the so-called First Dude in the Lincoln Bedroom, we fully expect this Russia-watching, Bush-doctrine scholar to be even more fruitful. (She may be a wacky, science-fearing creationist, but she must approve of math, because this lady sure can multiply!)
The children she’s already birthed have quaint, zany names — Track! Bristol! Willow! Piper! — that reflect her can-do, frontier spirit. And yes, there's already a web meme devoted to generating what your name would be if you'd been birthed by Sarah. But that's just artificial intelligence: we knew humans could do better. So we left it up to our readers to text in suggested names for Sarah Palin’s inevitable next baby. Herewith, our favorite 15. (Governor Palin: feel free to clip and save this list in case your offspring production reaches double digits.)
Editors’ favorite names for Sarah Palin’s inevitable next baby, among nominees texted in by Boston Phoenix readers:
15) Chaniqua
14) Cessna
13) Brig
12) Chastity
11) Hive
10) Sable
9) Scar
8) Pedro
7) Ripple
6) Birch
5) Joba
4) Burn
3) Thumper
2) Beyoncé
1) Trout
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