Click here for this week’s solution.
1 Stirs (up)
6 The Emerald Isle
10 Far from appetizing
14 Go with the flow
15 "___: First Class"
16 Matty or Felipe of baseball
17 Result of The Hulk's first press conference?
19 Darkness
20 Toilet paper layer
21 Two-___ (some bathing suits)
23 Wanna-___ (poseurs)
24 Half of zwei
25 Font close to Verdana
27 Where a journalist's stories get turned in
31 Iditarod finish line
32 Analgesic target
33 Rather than
37 Greek letters that look like P's
38 Shoes near the Reeboks and Nikes
39 Ceremonial act
40 Come out on top
42 Yours and mine, in the sticks
43 "I screwed up"
44 Jon running for president
47 Chinese fondue
49 Indie rock band ___ Riot
50 Tool paired with a bucket
51 Huffington behind the Huffington Post
53 ___-tai (cocktail)
56 Working away
58 "Let's see who can prepare for their colonoscopy first," et al.?
60 Jupiter's Greek counterpart
61 Scott Baio co-star Moran
62 "Moon Over ___" (original theme song for "The Drew Carey Show")
63 Muppet who speaks in the third person
64 Stunned state
65 French section of the Alps
| Down
1 "Rent" star Anthony
2 Adam Lambert was on it
3 Word before Gaga or Antebellum
4 Prefix for dermis
5 "I'm with ___" (T-shirt phrase)
6 Over the top
7 Candy-colored computer
8 Stopwatch button
9 Contest participants
10 "___ the lizard king" (Jim Morrison)
11 Nightspot where you can't be too big or too small?
12 Asian peninsula
13 Big laughs
18 "I got dibs!"
22 Jimmy Choo specialty
24 Viewing range
26 Brash contestant on "The Apprentice"
27 Sales rep's handout
28 Number learned on "Dora the Explorer"
29 Drug that's only smoked in pictures?
30 Jewish delicacy
34 Gloomy
35 ___ vez (again, in Spanish)
36 Actress Sherilyn of "Twin Peaks"
38 Soaked up
41 Early baseball Hall-of-Famer ___ Rixey
45 Word said a lot by Mork
46 Vagabonds
47 Baltic Avenue building
48 Headwear for Miss America
50 Activity on a placemat
52 Tombstone locale: abbr.
53 Game show producer Griffin
54 Sphere start
55 Words before "old chap"
57 1800s Chinese general now found on menus
59 Lamb lament |
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