No theme, just freestyle madness
By MATT JONES | October 25, 2011
Click to the next page for this week's solution.
1 Document of 1215
11 Set one's sights
14 Arrangement of resources or funds
15 "So Big" author Ferber
16 Hang in there till the end
17 Little girl's dream birthday present
18 Actress Ann of "The Whales of August"
19 301, in ancient Rome
21 To the back of the ship
22 Words yelled on the porch
25 It merged with Bell Atlantic to become Verizon
26 Shady figure?
28 1990s wrestling show on USA (until the league changed its name)
30 Flubs
32 Fashion legend Christian
34 Potato pancake
35 Rum desserts
37 Toots & the Maytals genre
38 Fathers
39 Leg of a race, in French
40 Chilean currency
42 Riga resident
43 Washington-area airport
45 "Star Trek: Voyager" station
46 ___-Hulk (Marvel superheroine)
47 Feature at the end of some wire cutters or French nails
49 More widespread
52 Ultra-bright
53 Copper head?
54 Dish out little barbs
57 Like a "Let's Make a Deal" door selection, odds-wise
59 Dollar competitor
60 Digit-al agreement?
61 Vessel in some rites
62 Metalworkers' locales | Down
1 Furniture in a spa
2 Cloud type
3 Disco fixture
4 Nighttime in Nogales
5 Actress Amy of "Angel" and "Dollhouse"
6 Like a stone mound set up as a memorial
7 Top-of-memo abbr.
8 Movie with Blu the macaw
9 Affect
10 Aphid that creates a milky food for other insects
11 Fuss
12 Traveler's stop
13 One of a dozen
15 Huge blunder
20 Monks' hoods
22 Instruction for Johnny, in a "Breakfast Club" monologue
23 Preservationist working at a museum
24 Suddenly surge forward
27 Have trouble with the "missus"?
29 Canadians, vis-a-vis Cambodians, e.g.
31 Trees of the future
33 Sound like a heavy smoker
36 Scary words on a school paper
41 How some indie bands' singles are released, for music connoisseurs
44 Gets down
48 "Am I right?" at the end of UK sentences
50 Unable to sit still
51 Vowel sound
53 Similar
54 Stick in the microwave
55 Wall climber
56 Turn down
58 Storm heading: abbr.
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