Howie Carr: Obama reminds me of malt liquor
From today's Herald:
Actually, now that I consider Barack and beer, the first brand that
comes to mind is Schlitz Malt Liquor, especially when Obama gets near a
“Look out for the bull!”
See, it's because Obama's lame speeches remind Howie of the Schlitz Malt Liquor jingle. Not because Obama reminds Howie of this--or because Howie wants you to make the same connection.
UPDATE: Say this for Howie--he's a master at knowing just how far he can go. For a bunch of Herald readers, malt liquor is an "urban" (read: inner-city black) drink. But if anyone accused Carr of deploying racial code, he could respond that, back in the day, Schlitz pitched its malt liquor to white drinkers too. That's craftsmanship!