Mollis on Newsmakers
Secretary of State Ralph Mollis says he supports Clean Elections' legislation as a way of making elections in Rhode Island more competititve, and he thinks campaign-finance reform could become law once the state moves past its ongoing budget woes. Mollis make the remarks this morning during a taping of WPRI/WNAC-TV's Newsmakers.
While there might be just one legislative primary -- House District 39 -- with both Democratic and Republican opponents on Tuesday, Mollis said that many other candidates are running in local races.
Also appearing on this week's show, to be broadcast Sunday, at 5:30 am on Channel 12 and at 10 am on Fox 65, are state Senator James Doyle (D-Pawtucket) and Deputy US Marshal C.J. Wyant. The duo, who recently traveled to a conference in Dallas about sex offenders, talk about efforts to curb such crimes.