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Miltown (
We tried to start this thing a long time ago where we'd have Boston bands cover other Boston bands. Which perhaps is exactly the kind of incestuousness that keeps Boston so fucking . . . y'know, BOSTON. The idea more or less ran its course, although...
We tried to start this thing a long time ago where we'd have Boston bands cover other Boston bands. Which perhaps is exactly the kind of incestuousness that keeps Boston so fucking . . . y'know, BOSTON. The idea more or less ran its course, although you might want to check back next week because we're bringing it back in a big way. In the meantime, this new HALLELUJAH THE HILLS track sort of almost doesn't count, since it's Ryan Walsh playing a song from his old band the Stairs, but shit, we LOVED the Stairs and hopefully now Daytrotter kids will, too. More after the jump.