Gawker has a new editor!

And Word Up is pleased to hear that she cut her teeth in book publishing. A certain Emily Gould is taking over the co-editor spot Jessica Coen vacated when she jumped ship to Conde Nast's Vanity Fair. Gould had been writing the new and previously anonymous Unsolicited column, which we heart to the max for shaking a middle finger at the stupid bobble-heads who run the industry. We especially love her "gentle advice" to authors authors and editors. We used to be a book publicist. We are allowed to laugh. We hope she keeps writing it, even if it means getting banned from Hyperion Books and blackballed from galley mailing lists.
The second new addition to Gawker is associate editor Doree Shafrir, editor of lit mag The Crier and a contributor to several publications, including Slate and the New York Observer.
Bring on the snark.