Street art photos of the day: MidEast Up art and some wursts
In Boston (Middle East Upstairs, Cambridge):
There we were, enjoying a UFO Raspberry Hefeweizen, and the experimental, post-rock sounds of the Amherst-based instrumental band Hadoken at the Middle East Upstairs, when we spotted something on the right, above the posters for Dirty Projectors and the Most Serene Republic: a massive green and black tag boldly splashed across the red wall. "How long has that been there?" we wondered, immediately consulting bartender Matt Price, who estimated about two weeks. We had no recollection of what was there before, but Price said that, strangely, it said "ZuZu". Even though, you know, the Middle East Upstairs is not ZuZu and all. Regardless, we like it, and though it's not technically street art, since it's not so much on the street but, oh, 20 or so feet away from it, we thought it was worth posting a few flicks. Apologies for the graininess - darkness is the photographer's constant foe. [Update: The Middle East Crew say the artist is James Ovid Mustin III, star of this blurry but cool video.]

Not in Boston (Holland, The Netherlands):

Photo by wojofoto on Flickr.