The Wire: Haikus

We know it's over. That hasn't kept it from our heads though. This afternoon, The Wire inspired haikus in us. By Ryan Stewart and Ellee Dean and Nina MacLaughlin.
The docks are emptyce:office" />
Loyalty won’t save us now
Handshake, shotgun, gone
Stringer Bell, Avon
Two kings reign the streets supreme
Brothers, betrayal
Ziggy plays the fool
A duck, and money burning
He’s got feelings too
Take another swig
McNulty. Bury your truth:
B’more, your heart, burns.
Thomas Carcetti
Promising the moon and stars
What price ambition?
They call him Omar
His targets flee with great haste
The cheese stands alone
Punch me with your eyes.
Troubled past, now clean, Cutty
I’ll call you Dennis.
Streetsong won’t lull you
Mopes, dope, cops corrupt as well
Game where no one wins
Way down in the hole
Under an old Dead blanket
Eyes red like Bubbles
Down to the fire
Blood on backseats, not lovers
Corners for quick graves