
Sarah "Barracuda" Palin

The lighter side . . .
The Boston Globe earlier this week quoted an Alaskan resident  who announced that, among her many other accomplishments, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had once been named Princess of the Fur Rendezvous, which we can only guess means she had the honor of clubbing the first baby seal of the season.


Now the darker side . . .
The Internet is a puzzling convoluted place, sometimes presenting ethical dilemmas. For example, my friend Comrade April out in LA forwarded me a forwarded copy of a quite telling write-up about Woman for All Seasons and VP nominee Sarah Palin, written by someone who has known and dealt with her in Wasilla, Alaska.

 Confoundingly, the text begins with an invitation to share the content followed by an admonition not to post it on any blogs. Without wanting to mess the author up, I nevertheless note that the memo is already available online at something called My Two Buck$.

So it's not really secret after all. And why should it be? This is a fairly level-headed appraisal of the woman the GOP wants to put a proverbial heartbeat away. Don't harass its author, but everyone should read this. Just don't let on who told you.


 And back to a little levity . . .
Our loyal West Coast co-conspirator also sent along this remarkable iconic photo of Ms. Palin, apparently preparing to shoot liberal swimmers. Is it real? Dunno. Surely it's a PhotoShop masterpiece. Then again, if you go by Palin's own RNC speech, people will believe anything.



NOTE: This sort of photo-phun is fun, but, in general, we in the elite liberal media need to be careful to attack this pistol-packin' mama on her lack of qualifications, not her inherent absurdity. Too many of those famous undecided voters apparently identify with her. And who can blame them? How pathetic do you have to be to call yourself undecided in this election?

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