What with John McCain suspending his campaign and all, it’s
a good time to explore what his campaign is really thinking. Let’s do that
through the lens of the letters his campaign and the Republican National
Committee sent out last week, begging for money. In the process, he and the RNC demonstrated how thin their grasp is on reality, truth, and integrity.
Attached to this post are images of the letters, with just the address (and
a weird little two-dimensional bar-code thingy) blurred out. (I came by these honestly — the man who sold me my house
five years ago was apparently such a big Republican donor that he’s still on
their mailing list. These were sent to my house.)
Some interesting excerpts follow. I’ll let the commenters go
to town.
From McCain
on fundraising in
“the Obama Democrats have
been raising enormous sums of money. They will rely on their massive
fundraising machine ... to spend and do whatever it takes to bring our
candidates down.
“From here on out the full scope and power of the Democrats’
relentless and battle-tested money churning machine is aimed at one target: Capturing
total control of our government.”
on Iraq
“The Obama Democrats ...
[are] clinging to their reckless and unconditional timeline for withdrawal.
“We intend to win the war. ... We will finish the Iraq
war with victory and bring our troops home with honor when the mission is truly
on Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid, and other social programs
“The Obama Democrats will increase the size of the
federal government.
“We Republicans plan to reduce it. Washington’s
irresponsibility with your tax dollars is a national disgrace. ... And we will
not permit any expansion whatsoever of the entitlement programs that are
bankrupting us.”
on health care
“The Obama Democrats will
offer a big-government solution to health care coverage.
“The Republican answer ... is to harness the power of market
competition.... We believe big government is not the answer.... Big government
is the problem.”
on lies and
distortion in the campaign
“As we witness almost daily, when the Democrats and their
liberal special interest allies turn their sights on us with vicious attacks — we
must be ready.
Ready to counter the distortions, innuendoes and
accusations. Ready to set the record straight. Ready, in short, to get out our
message and make sure clarity and truth prevail.”
on campaign funding and
contribution limits
“So please, sign and return your PLEDGE OF SUPPORT, along
with your contribution of $35, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $2,500 or even $5,000
to McCain-Palin Victory 2008 today. ... [This fund] also includes the
McCain-Palin Compliance Fund, to which the federal election laws permit you to
contribute up to $2,300 to help offset my campaign’s legal and accounting costs
incurred during the campaign.”
From the RNC
on where RNC money
comes from
“The Democrats are determined to put a liberal like Barack
Obama in the White House, expand their narrow majorities in the U.S.
House and Senate, and push our country to the Left with their agenda of high
taxes, big government and weakened national security.
“Big Labor, radical liberal protest groups and Hollywood elites are
planning to spend more than $500 million to defeat Republicans and aid
the Democrat power grab.
“The RNC relies on the voluntary support of Republican
activists like you.”
on what the Dems will
do if they win
“the Democrats have made clear they will overturn every
reform you helped President Bush achieve. ... [They will] repeal the Bush tax
cuts, retreat from the war against Islamic extremism and increase the size of
government through their one-size-fits-all health care plan.”