
Double Check Your Voter Registration


I have just been informed that I am not allowed to vote.

Despite mailing in my voter registration, ON TIME, to the CORRECT ADDRESS, apparently it was "lost in the mail," according to the woman who works at the City of Somerville (where I live) Election Department.  Because I moved out of the city where I was previously registered more than 18 months ago, I am, per her words "unable to vote on November 4th."

I am currently on the phone with the Election Division of the Secretary of State's office, trying not to scream. 

Please contact the Elections Office in your home city or town to double check, especially if you mailed your application to:

Secretary of the Commonwealth; Elections Division, Room 1705; One Ashburton Place; Boston, MA; 02108

To contact the Election Division of the Secretary of State, call 617.727.2828 

Thank you, United States Postal Service, for stripping me of my right to vote. 



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