
Yes, they are doing the Fusion Dance from Dragonball Z.


A couple weeks ago, I heard tell of, which was basically a contest to see who could best lip-synch the Flight of the Conchords song “Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros.” I decided to do it because (a) I have recently aquired a retardedly-expensive video-camera and some editing software, (b) I needed an excuse to learn how to better use them, and (c) I have a friend with a chicken suit.

So I grabbed my boyfriend, Haldan, and Jim, the kid with the chicken suit, and hijacked the Game Universe in Natick. We finished the video at 7 PM last Saturday – theoretically in plenty of time to upload it to the site by the contest’s midnight deadline. Unfortunately, the website was so flooded with entries that I could not, for the life of me, get our video to upload. For like five hours. So alas, we are not entered in the contest.

Admittedly, it was probably not destined to win. In fact, the quality of the video was likely compromised by the presence of a chicken suit and several very dorky people. (For instance: that's yours truly making a momentary cameo at the air-hockey table.) Haldan (the redhead) kind of forgot to learn all the words. And Jim (the part-Asian guy) was mostly just looking for an excuse to get into the chicken suit. He owns the chicken suit because we re-enacted the famous chicken fight sequence from Family Guy at a cosplay Con last year, and has since been trying to find excuses to make the purchase of the suit seem worthwhile. We’re willing to humor him.

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