Gaming news roundup, week of Feb. 25
Gaming News this week includes a fake disorder some douche bags in Switzerland made up because a little girl played too much PS2 and an informative interview with the producer of looming blockbuster Resident Evil 5. Also, 50 Cent needs to stop creating things immediately.
Resident Evil 5 is finally going to steal sixty dollars from me in just over two weeks. In this interview, 1up has a chat with the game's producer, Jun Takeuchi, about the controls, new gameplay aspects, racism, plans for Resident Evil 6, and the challenges of developing a game with such an extensive legacy.

In the most boneheaded news I've heard this week, some researchers and doctors have confirmed that clutching a game controller so tightly and for so long that it makes your hands raw and blistery is, indeed, a real medical problem. They even named the "unusual disorder": it's called PlayStation palmar hidradenitis" Last time I checked, though, medical research of this type usually involves more than one subject, and preferably some who are not twelve-year-old girls obsessed with Hannah Montana games or something. I honestly thought this shit was a joke at first.
Apparently Sony is currently developing the PSP 2, the successor to the handheld whose lifespan has been fraught with issues ranging from low sales to more rampant piracy than any other console besides the PC. How can they ensure the same thing doesn't happen this time around? For one thing, all games for the system will be in digital format, according to David Perry, chief creative officer at Acclaim. Whether this will even help is arguable, but I guess we'll see (possibly come fall).
Have you ever wondered if you would still want to motorboat Lara Croft if she looked like an actual archaeologist? What about if Mario showed up at your door, wrench in hand, to get those gross pubic hair clumps out of your shower drain? Me neither. Look at these anyway, and click this link for more.

"Walk into a brick-and-mortar retailer of film and music and you will without doubt find a slew of new releases competing for your attention as soon as you walk through the door. However, you will likely find countless shelves, in fact a greater number of shelves, heaving under the weight of 'classic' material. Walk into a videogame retailer and you are greeted by the same sight. New releases abound. But where are the old games?" This article explores the task of preserving gaming history in a tangible way. It's a good read.
Several former employees of 1up who were sacked when the website and its print form, Electric Gaming Monthly, were sold to UGO (whatever that is) earlier this year have created, where they are continuing their webisode style games coverage with "Co-op," a spiritual successor to the much-mourned "1up Show". The latest episode explores the Xbox 360's F.E.A.R. 2 and the PS3's Flower.
50 Cent, a guy who for some reason is really really famous, but to me seems like kind of an arrogant jackass, talks to Kotaku about why the hell he thought it would be a good idea to make a game in which the eminent half-dollar himself drives around shooting people in a place that "just looks like the middle east," namely 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. What a jackass.

Epic Games is giving those of us who still play Unreal Tournament 3 (not very many) an awesome free update on March 5. The update includes "16 new environments, three bonus maps (including fan-favorite CTF-Face), two news weapons, two new deployables, two new characters, Steam achievements and PS3 Trophy support, and split-screen multiplayer support on PS3 for two players." While you might not give a shit, I think my roommate will, so consider this for him.
Now if you'll excuse me, i've got some Copter Strike 7: Director's Cut to play.
-- by Mike Rougeau