What Twitter Says: Brett Favre Unretiring Again
adamcohen Breaking News: Brett Favre is addicted to attention. Stop feeding it. #enoughalready 05 May 2009 from TweetDeck -
CapnCrook07 I hope Brett Favre breaks both of his legs in some freak accident just so he has to stay retired. Honestly, fuck you Favre. 05 May 2009 from web -
richeisen Getting Mariucci on the phone at the top of NFLTA to tell us what's what with his boy Favre. Rundown changing by the minute. 05 May 2009 from web -
nAsTyjAy Woke up from a nice nap..felt good as hell...wtf I up wit bret favre .he unretired again..this guy doesn't know wen to hang em up 05 May 2009 from twidroid -
McSweeneysBooks is in talks with Brett Favre about joining its intramural flag football team. 05 May 2009 from web -
TheAutumnWind Good god, I am 146 years old and insane, and even I think Brett Favre is batsheet crazy. 05 May 2009 from web -
josephacampbell what's the difference between Brett Favre and swine flu?? swine flu eventually will go away 05 May 2009 from TweetDeck
brettfavre Anyone in the area for a light workout over at Oak Grove on Wed? 29 Apr 2009 from web -
brettfavre Just back from watching the Pacquiao Hatten fight. Wow, what a quick one. Glad I didn't pay for the PPV on that one. 03 May 2009 from web